Happy October 6th, and Happy Autumn
Day 37 of Juicing over 2 months of vegetarian lifestyle. No meat, is not a big deal,avoiding carbs,like cheese, ect , more difficult. Obviously I am or have gotten off track as I am back to #262.2, Girth 48 ", VBF 23%. Issue is time management, and eating after I come home. Juicing is time consuming, often teh juice tastes disgusting, and if not has too many carbs(apples,carrots,beets). Working , domestic obligations, and not weight training and engaging in a dedicted aerobic conditoning program add to the backslide. I have been practicing my Qi Qong. Patinets whom I've offereda variation of the juiceing lifestyle/plan to, 2 to 3 times a week, and eating meat, low glycemic diet, have remarked they've had more energy.
Well I'll check back in in a month, and see if I can follow thru, not cheat, and actually Practice What I Preach.
Top 5 Goal:
1) Juice at least 4 days a a week
2) Wt Train 90 minutes once a week
3) Swim 40 minutes Once a week
4) Walk one hour twice a week
5) Practice Qi Qong 7 Hours a week
So, to get back on track , hows about I start by by following thru on my little guide:
"How to Accomplish Almost Anything"
6 Basic Human Needs
1) Certainty
2) Diversity
3) Significance
4) Connectiveness
5) Growth
6) Contribution
Five Levels of Experience
1) I like it, it Is Good for me and Helps Others
2) I don’t like it, but it Is Good for me and helps others
3) I Like it, I am not sure it is good for me, but it does help others
4) I like it, but it is Not Good for me, and does not help others
5) I don’t like it, it is Not Good for me, and does not help others
7 methods to sabotage any process, DO the Reverse to Fix it
1) Have a negative attitude towards the process
2) Avoid an Abundant /Enthusiastic attitude/mentality
3) Don’t have a Strategy
4) Don’t follow that strategy thru
5) Rely entirely on experts
6) Fail to maintain a Vigil once successful
7) Allow crisis to turn into catastrophe, a lack of resilience
12 Methods to Solve any Problem
1 ) Manage your emotional state
2) Focus, 20 % on the problem, 80 % on the solution
3) Obtain and maintain momentum, write it down
4) Analyze the issue
5) Re assess, Redirect, your method/ solution
6) Recruit Role models to assist, people who’ve been there ,negotiated a similar problem successfully before
7) Reassess your relationship with this challenge
8) Find out what is good about this challenge
9) Find out what is not perfect yet, but could me
10) Find out what are you willing to do , to solve this challenge
11) Find out what you are no longer willing to do ,or continue doing to solve this challenge
12) Find out how you can deal with this challenge and enjoy, learn ,grow from the process
Below is my Wt Log since my last entry. No need for a new picture as no tmuch has changed.
Day 18 Sat 9/17/11 Wt 254.2#
Day 19 Sun 9/18/11 Wt 255.8#
Day 20 Mon 9/19/11 Wt?!260#
Day 21 Tues 9/20/11 Wt 258#
Day 22 Wed 9/21/11 Wt 258#
Day 23 Thu 9/22/11 Wt 256.6#
Day 24 Fri 9/23/11 Wt 256#
Day 25 Sat 9/24/11 Wt 255.6#
Day 26 Sun 9/25/11 Wt 258#?
Day 27 Mon 9/26/11 Wt 260#?
Day 28 Tue 9/27/11 Wt 259#
Day29 Wed 9/28/11 Wt 258.6#
Day 30 Thu 9/29/11 Wt 256.6#
Day 31 Fri 9/30/11 Wt 256.4#
Girth 47" VBF 23 %
Day 32 Sat 10/1/11 Wt 257#
Day 33 Sun 10/2/11 Wt 258.6#
Day 34 Mon 10/3/11 Wt 262#!?
Day 35 Tues 10/4/11 Wt 262
Day 36 Wed 10/5/11 Wt 261.2
Day 37 Thur 10/6/11 Wt 262.2