Sunday, August 30, 2009

Better ,Late than Never? but Still "Just Do It!"

Better late than never.
Titus Livius, History
Roman author & historian (59 BC - 17 AD

"Just Do It"


Lao Tzu

There are 4 types of Rulers:

One whom the people Fear

Then ,One whom they Hate,

Then, One whom they Love,

Then ,the One,whom the people, are Unaware of,they ' Say" Rule themselves in Harmony

Lao Tzu

12 Steps to "Just Do It"

1) Never even consider to " Just Do It"

2) Consider the idea of " Just Do It" once in a while, but think it is 'BullShit'

3) "Do it" once in awhile, begrudgingly,half ass,Too Late,Still think it is 'BullShit

4) "Do It" regularly,never on time, still half ass, but Intend on improving,?Why?

5) "Do It" occasionally on time, and competently, with intentions to improve.

6) "Do It" generally on time and competently, with progress in competence.

7) "Do It" mostly on time,always competent,occasionally excellently done.

8) "Do It" always on time, often in an excellent fashion.

9) "Do It" Masterfully, Timely, almost Always. Often with Joy.

10) "Do It" Always, Masterfully, Timely,and with Joy

11) Others "Do It" from your Example ,steps 1 thru 10.

12) "done" Naturally, Quietly,Masterfully, with Inner Joy,others think they "Did It"

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