Saturday, November 21, 2009

Salutation to the Sun

The Sun Salutation

There are several variations, some with Warrior I,II & III.

My version has over 18 poses, but the Basic 12, breaking it down to mini poses, is a Good start. Having an experienced instructor correct and guide you is both Essential and Sane. Good Luck!

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Step by Step

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) means a salute to the sun. It is a continuous series of 8 related Yoga postures, some done twice, in what totals 13 poses. It is designed to warm up your whole body and integrate the body, mind and breath. The Sun Salutation is a warm up or toning exercise and is considered the best of all Yoga exercises as it stretches, compresses, arches and reinforces all the major muscles of the body, as well as the digestive and respiratory organs. It also helps develop flexibility, strength, balance, concentration and focus. Sun Salutation is a great way to synchronize your breath and can be practised twice a day. Given below are the step by step instructions.

Instructions for Sun Salutation

01 Namaskar (Salute)
Start in a standing position, facing the sun. Both your feet should touch each other, palms joined together, in prayer pose.

02 Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

With a deep inhalation, raise both arms above your head and tilt slightly backward arching your back.

03 Padangusthasana (Hand to Foot Pose)
With a deep exhalation, bend forward and touch the mat, both palms in line with your feet, forehead touching your knees.

04 Surya Darshan (Sun Sight Pose)

With a deep inhalation, take your right leg away from your body, in a big backward step. Both your hands should be firmly planted on your mat, your left foot between your hands, head tilted towards the ceiling.

05 Purvottanasana (Inclined Plane)
Hold your breath and take your right leg back to join your left leg. Now straighten both your hands, legs and back. Your neck spine, thighs and feet should be in a straight line.

06 Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)

With a deep exhalation, shove your hips and butt up towards the ceiling, forming an upward arch. Your arms should be straight and aligned with your head.

07 Sashtang Dandawat (Forehead, Chest, Knee to Floor Pose)

With a deep exhalation, lower your body down till your, forehead, chest, knees, hands and feet are touching the mat, your butt tilted up. Take a normal breath in this pose.

08 Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
With a deep inhalation, slowly snake forward till your head is up, your back arched concave, as much as possible.

09 Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
Exhaling deeply, again push your butt and hips up towards the ceiling as in position 6, arms aligned straight with your head.

10 Surya Darshan (Sun Sight Pose)
Inhaling deeply, bring your right foot in towards your body, in a big forward step. Both your hands should planted firmly on your mat, right foot between your hands, head tilted towards the ceiling.

11 Padangusthasana (Hand to Foot Pose)
Exhaling deeply, rise up and touch the mat, keeping both your palms in line with your feet, forehead touching your knees.

12 Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

Inhaling deeply, raise both your arms above your head and tilt slightly backward.

1) Again ,Repeat to other side,Again,10-11 Reps Namaskar (Salute)
Return to stand facing the sun, both feet touching, palms joined together, in prayer pose.

Benefits of Sun Salutation

The practice of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) increases strength, improves muscle tone and coordination and bestows good health upon the practitioner, while increasing body awareness. It helps burn body fat and combat obesity, helps balance and stimulate all the systems of the body particularly the circulatory, endocrine, digestive and respiratory systems. Regular practice of Sun Salutation aids the process of elimination, thereby ridding the body of toxins more effectively. The again, you should avoid practising without expert guidance.

Sun Salutation is best avoided by pregnant women, people suffering from high blood pressure, or those nursing back aches or injuries, chronic glaucoma, heart problems.

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