Sunday, February 14, 2010

Six Admirable Traits: and Happy Year of the Metal Tiger

Six Admirable Traits & Year of the Metal Tiger Info and Predictions:

(Originally published on Sheer Balance)by another author

I’ve written numerous articles and posts on difficult people, personalities and relationships: Everything from Manipulative Marys to Bullies in the workplace to people who break boundaries to toxic personalities. Let’s face it: In life, we come across all kinds! As humans, we often focus on those who are negative or toxic leaving it difficult to appreciate those who are positive and healthy. Seeking out individuals with healthy, positive traits, however, may do a lot of good. The more we can surround ourselves with those who are positive and healthy, the more we may model those positive behaviors.
If you really think about it, once in awhile you come across a person who knocks you off your socks…legitimately. Maybe they have a fantastic outlook on life, even during difficult times. Maybe they are really humble, although they are extremely gifted. Maybe they make you feel special. All of these are good.

Below, I've listed some of the traits I admire most in people. Although I could probably list a dozen characteristics, I thought I’d list those that seem to be the rarest or most difficult to find.

Selflessness: In a world where many people don’t have the time or the interest in others, selflessness is a quality that seems to be less and less common. People can be selfless in the time they give, the ability to listen, their level of patience and the love that they give. Those who are giving and generous in nature have the power to make others feel loved, appreciated and special. While those who are self-absorbed tend to do the exact opposite.

Tolerance: Those people who are tolerant make us feel comfortable with who we are and special as individuals. All of us are different, and many of us have quirks and idiosyncrasies. After all, these differences make the world go round. Having the ability to accept people for who they are and not expect them to be who we want them to be is important in life, happiness and in the health of our relationships.

Having the ability to be real, authentic and honest is unique in a world where we put so much emphasis on the superficial. Feeling comfortable in one’s skin and being true to one’s self is one of the most beautiful traits one can possess. To have a REAL relationship with someone requires honesty…it requires hearing and giving input or feedback that may not always be popular…it means having the strength to tell it like it is and to not be afraid to face the consequences for doing so…it means loving people for who they really are…deep down…and not for what they appear to be.

So often we are focused on what is important to ourselves that we can forget about those around us. Those who are sensitive are often thoughtful, appreciative and loving, in a way that makes you feel understood, valued and respected. Often, sensitive people are also self-aware, making them mindful of how they impact others with what they do and say.

Call me cynical, but I think this characteristic is especially difficult to find. In a time when people will do things that are underhanded to make an extra buck (Bernie Madoff…can you hear me?), expose their personal lives to the public so they can be famous (balloon boy’s dad and any other reality TV mongers) and do what feels good in the moment without necessarily thinking of the consequences (Tiger Woods), integrity is a characteristic that is especially unique today.

Whether someone is super-smart, extremely talented or drop-dead gorgeous, there is something extra special about them if they don’t come across as though they know it all the time. Humility in those that possess extraordinary traits make others feel special too.
Oh boy the list could go on! What characteristics do you admire in others? Are there any that you want to cultivate?

The Chinese Zodiac

Cosmic energy flows change on Feb. 4. If your birthday falls before Feb. 4, you have the energy of the previous year.

The Chincese Zodiac has a 60 year Cycle, made up of 5 (5 Elements) 12 year Cycles. They are: Water which begets Wood, Wood which begets Fire, Fire which begets Earth , Earth which begets Metal, then as the Dew (water) is found on the Metal Blade of a Sword, Water ,ect,ect.. Each year as its Protaganistic sign and Antagonistic sign . This Year of the Metal Tiger , in general, really generally, persons born under wood years will have a more challenging year,as Metal cuts wood. Those born under Earth signs, will fare a bit better, as earth begets metal.

A Caution, We all determine our destiny and course, but it helps to know which way the winds of destiny are blowing.

Tiger — 2010 Mtl, 1998 E, 1986 F, 1974 Wd, 1962 Wtr, 1950 M, 1938, 1926

Rabbit — 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927

Dragon — 2000 Mtl, 1988 E, 1976 F, 1964 Wd, 1952 Wtr, 1940 Mtl, 1928

— 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929

Horse — 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930

Goat — 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931

Monkey — 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932, 1920

Rooster — 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933, 1921

Dog — 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934, 1922

Pig — 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935, 1923

Rat — 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948 , 1936, 1924

Ox — 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925

The Year of the Tiger begins on Feb. 14, which should mean good things for the world. In Chinese astrology, tigers are known as bold and independent, good luck against fire and thieves.

But if the Year of the Tiger ends up being like every other year over the past few decades, it won't be very good for tigers themselves. The princely animals are among the most endangered species on the planet. In the wild, they number fewer than 3,000 around the world; their habitat, which once stretched in Asia from the Pacific Ocean to the Caspian Sea, has shrunk by more than 90% over the past century, and it's still shrinking. "We once had more than 100,000 of these animals," says Sybille Klenzendorf, the director of the World Wildlife Fund's U.S. Species Conservation Program. "There's a real chance that we will lose this animal in our own lifetime."
(See the top 10 invasive species.)

Tigers are what is known as charismatic megafauna — the sort of big, well-known animal that tends to be good marker of a jungle's ecological health — and green groups are taking advantage of the Chinese new year to press for better protection. They face a battle on many fronts: tigers are threatened by deforestation, hunting and the illegal trade of their bones and other parts, which are used in some forms of traditional Chinese medicine, mostly for consumers in Asia.

But one of the most unexpected threats to the tiger comes here in the U.S., where there are more tigers kept in private captivity then there are surviving wild animals left in the world. Few laws oversee the private ownership of tigers in the U.S., and conservationists worry that captive tigers could too easily end up fueling the illegal global wildlife trade. "There are significant loopholes in U.S. laws that can allow tigers to be exploited," says Crawford Allan, the director of TRAFFIC North America, which tracks the wildlife trade. "We don't know what's happening to them."

In truth, conservationists aren't even sure exactly how many captive tigers there are in the U.S., although they estimate there are more than 5,000. That includes not just tigers in zoos and private wildlife reserves, but animals kept by private owners as pets, sometimes in terrible conditions. In 2003, a 31-year-old man in New York City was arrested after police discovered he was keeping an adult tiger (and an alligator) as pets in his Harlem apartment. Worse, in 2001, three tigers were found caged in the backyard of a Texas mobile home — authorities discovered the animals only after one escaped and killed a three-year-old boy. "There could be a tiger across the street from you and no one would know until something happened," says Allan.
(Read about Chinese tourists in Taiwan.)

But the greater danger of captivity is to the animals themselves. Tiger cubs that are bought as pets — it can be done online, legally — are often abandoned once they get bigger and considerably less cute. Reserves and sanctuaries can take some of the unwanted tigers, but many refuges have been overwhelmed by demand.

There are also real concerns among conservationists that some private parks in the U.S. are raising tigers specifically for the global wildlife trade. Along with bones, tiger skins are coveted as ceremonial garb in some cultures, or as decoration. (Although the international trade in tigers and tiger parts is illegal, few countries have taken steps to actually enforce the ban.) "Unless we can crack down on the illegal trade and on poachers in the wild, tigers have very little chance of survival," says Keshav Varma, the program director of the World Bank's global tiger initiative.

Although laws in 26 states in the U.S. ban the private ownership of tigers, conservationists would prefer stronger regulations that would allow the government to track the population of tigers kept in captivity and ensure they are being treated humanely and not being farmed for parts. Most of all, the regulations would actually need to be enforced; in Texas, for example, there are some laws governing the private ownership of tigers, but they're rarely used, and conservationists believe there are more than 3,000 captive tigers in the Lone Star state alone. "The government should be able to track the captive population better, to ensure they're not being put into the illegal wildlife trade," says Allan.

Protecting tigers in captivity is one thing, but the bigger challenge is restoring their numbers in the wild. Deforestation and the ballooning human populations in Asia have chased tigers out of their native habitat. Yet the health of the tiger means the health of the planet. "If there is a tiger in the forest, it's a sign that the forest and the other animals in it are healthy," says Varma. "Tigers are the face of biodiversity." Hopefully, then, 2010 will truly be the tiger's year.

The Tiger's essence is that of Nobility. In life and in love, the Tiger personifies grandness. Loyal, humanitarianism and fierce protection of those entrusted to their care, Tigers will rule the jungle this year!

"The strong are expected to be strong... all of the time."
-a 1950 metal tiger-

2010 Year of the Metal Tiger (Geng Yin)
February 14, 2010 through February 13, 2011

" To know the road ahead, ask those coming back. "
- Chinese proverb

Invest in a good pair of running shoes, and by all means get a daily organizer, as we can count on a busy year of non-stop activity in 2010!


The Noble Tiger - The Go-Getter

Sign Order - Third

Element polarity of the year - Yang Metal (Geng), symbolized by raw iron ore, knives, metal weapons and sharp implements.

Symbolism: the respectful military salute of honor from subordinate to leader.

Colors for the year are purple, white and silver

Critical times occur in the Spring (Tiger) and Fall (Metal) seasons this year

Soulmate year to - Pig

Harmony year with - Horse, Dog

In Opposition with - Monkey

Karmic Combatant to the - Snake

Resolving karma & love plum with the - Rabbit

Steed (action) Monkey

Romance (peach blossom year) for: Rabbits, Roosters, Goats and Pigs

Best year for: Pigs, Horses, Goats, Oxen & Tigers

Mixed year for: Dogs, Rats

Challenging year for: Monkeys, Snakes & Dragons

This could be a difficult year for those born into Wood element years. Wood element persons are cut down and conflict with this Metal element year (as Metal destroys Wood and is discordant.

A harmonious year for those born into the Fire element and 2010 could bring unexpected wealth your way (as Fire controls Metal making it your money $ element )

Earth element persons enjoy a parent relationship with this Metal year. 2010 is a nurturing year of "proper care" plenty of resources and happiness for you.

Metal element persons could experience some competition or rivals from peers in 2010. Contenders as well as companions arrive when metal meets Metal.

Water is favored and in a harmonious relationship with this Metal element year. Water element souls should start new projects in 2010. You will experience gracious "output" or outpouring of your talents during this Metal element year.

In 2010 we will all Want more: Activity, Independence

However, In 2010 we will all Need more: REST and Control

We will want to: Splurge, redecorate, travel

We will NOT want to: Financially scrimp, be alone or lost in a crowd

Turn-on's: Audience approval, Risks

Turn-off's: Boredom

Lucky year for: Action, activity, acquisitions, speculation

Unlucky for: Sloth, inactivity, laziness

Love, sexuality and romance are in the air this year, particularly for those born into Ox, Rooster, Pig and Rabbit (cat) years!

Magnetic, rebellious, and a risk-taker, Tiger years bring adventure, exploration and enthusiasm. The Metal Tiger year is glamorous and distinctive. It will encourage ambition, taking risks and leadership. The essence of the Tiger can best be described as nobility. High ideals, high moral character and impressive magnificence represent the Tiger?s most virtuous traits and in 2010 self-reliance, exciting activities, and passion take center stage.

Change will be the keyword this year. All signs will feel the restlessness of the Tigers influence motivating changes in many key areas of life. Many may pick up and change residence or jobs or both (possibly more than once.) Tiger years are a time of commotion, uproar and bold new moves. An unusually charismatic influence, more action-oriented and more impulsive is active. Takeovers, marches and empowered forces will finally make their move. In all endeavors ask yourself the question, "Is this a rash decision?"

The hidden element in the sign of the Tiger is Wood which negatively clashes with the Metal stem of the year. This clash between Wood and Metal could indicate an explosive and difficult time. Tyrants, both on the home front and internationally, (empowered and made bold by the previous Ox year), could act out in rash, unpredictable ways. 2010 will be a year favoring action, and courageous movement. In addition, the Metal element combined with the Tiger will make 2010 an unbending, rigid time. The nature of Metal is to define and strengthen which brings structure to ones life. The Metal element symbolizes clear thinking, sincerity and accuracy. For greatest success, learn to compromise with those who are in a position to help you.

During the 1st moon of the year 2-14-10 to 3-15-10:
This will be a humanitarian time and charity for the masses will prevail. New, revolutionary concepts take form. This is a time of inventions and abstract thinking. Eccentricities abound, and lively debates are likely.

During the 2nd moon of this next Tiger year 3-16-10 to 4-13-10:
Imagination, feeling and intuition influence at this time. Melodramatic, impossible situations take center stage. Empathy and spiritually evolved thinking emerges. A mystical, visionary and compassionate time of the year. Beware escapism.

During the 3rd moon of this next Tiger year 4-14-10 to 5-13-10:
A Forceful, fierce and impulsive time. Even the most courageous must take care not to make rash, headstrong decisions. There will be many changes at this time. Passion, daring and generous times as well. The restless Tiger in the 3rd moon may provoke a major Change in living arrangements and employment.

During the 4th moon of this next Tiger year 5-14-10 to 6-11-10:
The sensuous Earth element of this Tiger year will prevail, motivating possessions, comfort and strong values. Marriages at this time should prosper and be happy and successful. This is a relatively stable and peaceful period of this turbulent year.

During the 5th moon of this next Tiger year 6-12-10 to 7-11-10: An open optimistic period, filled with many social occasions and parties. Communication of all types, mental pursuits, and unexpected imaginative enterprises. All signs will feel more outgoing and gregarious.

During the 6th moon of this next Tiger year 7-12-10 to 8-09-10:
A Fiery, Kingly time of year with much pomp and circumstance. This self-confident and ego-centric period could bring world wide change in governments, leaders. Imposing, physically active and powerful forces at this time, will accentuate and personify this Tiger year of change, unrest and action.

During the 7th moon of this next Tiger year 8-10-10 to 9-7-10:
A time of multiple projects and activities. A detail-oriented time of observation and self-reflection. Also a time for some much needed rest, as we all will be exhausted from the Tiger years antics.

During the 8th moon of this next Tiger year 9-8-10 to 10-7-10:
Harmony, reconciliation and balance are restored. A charming, more diplomatic period, but decisions may be difficult. There will be many options open (perhaps too many) and home improvement and decorations are indicated. The Arts, especially dance and music will flourish at this time, as will rekindled social alliances. The Yin energy influences creativity and personal expression at this time.

During the 9th moon of this next Tiger year 10-8-10 to 11-5-10:
An intense and deep time, with emphasis on sexuality, instinct, and covert behavior. Superficial concerns are tossed aside, and serious life-changing decisions could be made at this time. Vivid dreams and powerful emotions could take some of the more tranquil signs by surprise. Watch your back. A time of black/white thinking, without much gray to temper.

During the 10th moon of this next Tiger year 11-6-10 to 12-5-10:
Travel, philosophical discussion, and fun highlight this period. The desire of knowledge of different cultures and people will be sought. A new open-minded brotherhood will be felt by all. Some may lack tact and speak too freely, but the intent of the heart is good.

During the 11th moon of this next Tiger year 12-6-10 to 1-3-10:
Practical, ambitious and a bit over serious forces take over. Entrepreneurial efforts are successful, because of the hard work put into matters. Mastery is achieved and goals are met. A time reminiscent of the previous Ox year in the emphasis on ones family, homeland and plans for old age.

During the 12th and last moon phase of this Metal Tiger year 1-4-10 to the new Cat/rabbit year which begins on 2-3-2011:
The aggressive Tiger energy, confident with the years great changes and achievements, prepares to enter the calm, reticent and well-mannered sign of the Cat/rabbit. The art of persuasion and diplomacy will flourish. The adventurous Tiger influence has prepared to settle in for a while, and pursue more aesthetic avenues. Treaties, talks by the fireside, and mended fences will be the order of the day.

Monthly Influences & Vibrations:

January 2010 - Endurance

Best Days: 3, 7, 16, 20, 28, 31st

High Risk Days: 9th & 21st

February - Nobility

Best Days: 3, 4, 10, 13, 22, 25, 28th

High Risk Days: 1st, 14th, 26th

March - Detachment

Best Days: 10, 13, 22, 25, 31st

High Risk Days: 12th & 24th

April - Unpredictability

Best Days: 7, 19, 25, 28, 29th

High Risk Days: 6th, 18th, 30th

May - Slow accumulation
Best Days: 8, 12, 20, 23,26, 27th

High Risk Days: 13th, 25th

June - Decisiveness
Best Days: 1, 4, 5, 14, 17, 20, 29, 30th

High Risk Days: 7th, 19th

July - Propriety
Best Days: 2, 3, 5, 12, 15, 21, 27, 28th
High Risk Days: 1st & 14, 26th

August - Humor
Best Days: 2, 5, 9, 12, 15, 18, 19, 27th 30th

High Risk Days: 7th, 8th, 20th

September - Application
Best Days: 2, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 21, 24,25, 27st

High Risk Days: 1st, 14th, 26th

October - Watchfulness
Best Days: 6,7, 10, 19, 20, 22, 28
High Risk Days: 8th, 9th, 21st

November - Resignation
Best Days: 3, 4, 10, 16, 22, 25th

High Risk Days: 2nd, 15th 27th

December - Concealment
Best Days: 7, 8, 9, 17, 20, 23, 29th

High Risk Days: 10th, 22nd

Sign by sign forecasts for 2010


1900 Jan 31 to Feb 18, 1901: Metal Rat
1912 Feb 18 to Feb 5, 1913: Water Rat

1924 Feb 5 to Jan 24, 1925: Wood Rat
1936 Jan 24 to Feb 10, 1937: Fire Rat

1948 Feb 10 to Jan 28, 1949: Earth Rat
1960 Jan 28 to Feb 14, 1961: Metal Rat

1972 Feb 15 to Feb 2, 1973: Water Rat
1984 Feb 2 to Feb 19, 1985: Wood Rat

1996 Feb 19 to Feb 6, 1997: Fire Rat
2008 Feb 7 to Jan 25, 2009: Earth Rat

2010 is a shake up kind of year when many areas of your life will be turned upside down. 2010 is a steed year for Rat natives indicating that a great deal of movement and change will occur around you. The Tiger as your steed or movement year, could be exhausting, draining and depleting for you. When the dust settles, this year will be quite positive if used to resolve and work out problems or to make some useful changes. Healthy habits will have staying power if started this year. While the years energies may worsen your high-strung disposition, it should also boost your job productivity. Promotions are possible and money becomes more plentiful. Make certain that all business is kept scrupulously honest and be cautious of investing in the latest hot stock -- follow all rules, laws and guidelines. You may decide to pick up and change residence or jobs (possibly both) more than once. The fun part of your year revolves around your love life! Your Yang + essence take the lead in SEPT and you consider saying I-do with a home loving Ox, a forthright Dragon or a vivacious Monkey. Always plan for the future as this will allow you to relax and better enjoy the present moment.

Best months: Jan, April, Aug, Dec. Challenging: June, July, and Oct.


1901 Feb 19 to Feb 7, 1902: Metal Ox
1913 Feb 6 to Jan 25, 1914: Water Ox

1925 Jan 25 to Feb 12, 1926: Wood Ox
1937 Feb 11 to Jan 30, 1938: Fire Ox

1949 Jan 29 to Feb 16, 1950: Earth Ox
1961 Feb 15 to Feb 4, 1962: Metal Ox

1973 Feb 3 to Jan 22, 1974: Water Ox
1985 Feb 20 to Feb 8, 1986: Wood Ox

1997 Feb 7 to Jan 27, 1998: Fire Ox
2009 Jan 26 to Feb 13, 2010: Earth Ox

Wedding plans, love and romance are in the air this year for patient Oxen. If you feel that you have found your soulmate connection, then 2010 is a wonderful year to tie the knot. Settle down with a clever Rat, a seductive Snake or brassy Rooster. Married Oxen are in high spirits as well, and you may be thinking about adding additional members to your family (with Oxen this could also include a homeless pet or two). 2010 will be a particularly good one for Oxen. Your Yin essence harmonizes and balances well with the Yang Tiger energies. Family and security matters are high on your priority list this year and you may wish to expand or upgrade your home. Tiger year brings good financial luck for you, but be cautious not to overspend. You will attend many social events and have new opportunities offered to you now, but all of the socialization may take a toll on your health. 2010 will be a time of commotion, uproar and some bold new moves on your part. An unusually charismatic influence surrounds you this year and you will want to be more active, involved and on the go than usual. Plant a garden, knit a new sweater or carve a custom set of furniture.

Best months: Mar, May, Sept, Dec. Challenging: June, July, Oct.


1902 Feb 8 to Jan 28, 1903: Water Tiger
1914 Jan 26 to Feb 13, 1915: Wood Tiger

1926 Feb 13 to Feb 1, 1927: Fire Tiger
1938 Jan 31 to Feb 18, 1939: Earth Tiger

1950 Feb 17 to Feb 5, 1951: Metal Tiger
1962 Feb 5 to Jan 24, 1963: Water Tiger

1974 Jan 23 to Feb 10, 1975: Wood Tiger
1986 Feb 9 to Jan 28, 1987: Fire Tiger

1998 Jan 28 to Feb 15, 1999: Earth Tiger
2010 Feb 14 to Feb 2, 2011: Metal Tiger

Risky, exhausting, and strenuous - just the way you like it! Tiger years are busy ones for Tiger natives and this year you become immersed in a world of travel, change, and reevaluation - of everything. Wealth or, at the very least, dramatic financial recovery is within your grasp this year so be sure to have a well thought out financial plan and goals. Be careful as impetuous spending could drain your newly recovered bank account just as quickly as it was filled. Slow down and think all purchases through very carefully. Attending happy or joyful events such as weddings, reunions, celebrations and lively debates are likely, they improve your luck and brighten your mood. Romance and marriage feature prominently for Tigers in 2010 and love is in the air for you! Committed Tigers and Tigress should be conscious of romantic temptations which could affect your relationship health. A pivotal year for all Tigers and the decisions that you make now will steer your course over the next 3 years. You formulate new plans and strategies this year many proposals and opportunities will be offered to you, but always allow extra time and slow down in order to avoid accidents.

Best months: June, Oct, Nov. Challenging: April, May, August.


1915 Feb 14 to Feb 2, 1916: Wood Rabbit
1903 Jan 29 to Feb 15, 1904: Water Rabbit

1927 Feb 2 to Jan 22, 1928: Fire Rabbit
1939 Feb 19 to Feb 7, 1940: Earth Rabbit

1951 Feb 6 to Jan 26, 1952: Metal Rabbit
1963 Jan 25 to Feb 12, 1964: Water Rabbit

1975 Feb 11 to Jan 30, 1976: Wood Rabbit
1987 Jan 29 to Feb 16, 1988: Fire Rabbit

1999 Feb 16 to Feb 4, 2000: Earth Rabbit
2011 Feb 3 to Jan 22, 2012: Metal Rabbit

The year of the Tiger and the Rabbit are in a Peach blossom or Love Plum relationship, responsible for romantic, scorching love affairs. You will be very attractive to the opposite sex and this year could be full of both passion and love scandals. Tiger years bring everything from memorable obsessions and attractions to soul mates and twin flames. Good news arrives, and the past few years of crisis and drudgery fade into the distant past. 2010 offers recognition for your efforts and talents - a hectic year when it is possible for you to achieve great success. Imagination, feeling and intuition flow freely from you now and influence everything from your dreams to your decisions about partnerships. Be cautious of co-mingling funds with or lending money to others this year as it could sour a friendship. If single, your partner may be hinting to you about wanting a permanent commitment. The timing may be off and as always the cautious one, you resist and will not be hurried by pressure. However, by years end don't be surprised if you become more of a faithful finance than an artful dodger in love.

Best months: May, July, Oct, Nov. Challenging: April, Sept, Dec.


1904 Feb 16 to Feb 3, 1905: Wood Dragon
1916 Feb 3 to Jan 22, 1917: Fire Dragon

1928 Jan 23 to Feb 9, 1929: Earth Dragon
1940 Feb 8 to Jan 26, 1941: Metal Dragon

1952 Jan 27 to Feb 13, 1953: WaterDragon
1964 Feb 13 to Feb 1, 1965: WoodDragon

1976 Jan 31 to Feb 17, 1977: Fire Dragon
1988 Feb 17 to Feb 5, 1989: Earth Dragon

2000 Feb 5 to Jan 23, 2001: Metal Dragon
2012 Jan 23 to Feb 9, 2013: Water Dragon

Theatrical Dragons will find they have a taste for novelty and everything new in 2010. Unpredictability, change and new explorations rule the year and you will feel like a new adventure could be just around the next corner. Enjoy this year of activity and personal transformations (your favorite!). Financially, assets increase, but lively debates could result in hurt feelings or misunderstandings. Candid, demanding and fond of being in the public eye, you continue to find yourself in high demand and will gladly take center stage during 2010. Plan an encore with a social Monkey, feisty Rooster, or eclectic Rat. Many of this years melodramatic situations will amuse you, but try to be sensitive to the suffering of the people involved (despite the self-perpetuated nature of their woes). Presence of mind and taking an extra measure of time to evaluate matters are the keys to negotiating this busy year. A time of great change - a forceful, fierce year when Dragons must take care not to be tricked into leaking or giving out information that could come back to haunt them.

Best months: May, Aug, Sept. Challenging: March, Oct.


1905 Feb 4 to Jan 24, 1906: Wood Snake
1917 Jan 23 to Feb 10, 1918: Fire Snake

1929 Feb 10 to Jan 29, 1930: Earth Snake
1941 Jan 27 to Feb 14, 1942: Metal Snake

1953 Feb 14 to Feb 2, 1954: Water Snake
1965 Feb 2 to Jan 20, 1966: Wood Snake

1977 Feb 18 to Feb 6, 1978: Fire Snake
1989 Feb 6 to Jan 26, 1990: Earth Snake

2001 Jan 24 to Feb 11, 2002: Metal Snake
2013 Feb 10 to Jan 30, 2014: Water Snake

2010 could be a difficult year for sensual Snakes. You are a passionate lover and must take care this year not to become involved in scandals or love affairs this year. Focus the majority of your energy on your career or job and you will be handsomely rewarded financially. Money and wealth flows in generously, however expanding your social circle, networks and contacts, could lead to some dangerous liaisons or temptations. Know who your friends and enemies are as this will affect your future financial benefits. When it comes to lovemaking you are a master and virtuoso but marriage or commitment may be the last thing on your mind this year. Recognition by colleagues is your top priority and should make this a particularly enjoyable year. Despite your frazzled nerves you are a good sport and cheerfully come along for the ride in 2010. You find life and routines changing much too quickly for your tastes. Lingering restlessness may provoke a major change in living arrangements or employment. Use the sensual Earth element to sooth your stressed senses by indulging in some aromatherapy using lavender, sandalwood, jasmine or your favorite aromatic oil concoction.

Best months: Aug, Sept, Jan. Challenging: Feb, June, Nov.


1906 Jan 25 to Feb 12, 1907 : Fire Horse
1918 Feb 11 to Jan 31, 1919 : Earth Horse

1930 Jan 30 to Feb 16, 1931 : Metal Horse
1942 Feb 15 to Feb 4, 1943 : Water Horse

1954 Feb 3 to Jan 23, 1955 : Wood Horse
1966 Jan 21 to Feb 8, 1967 : Fire Horse

1978 Feb 7 to Jan 27, 1979: Earth Horse
1990 Jan 27 to Feb 14, 1991: Metal Horse

2002 Feb 12 to Jan 31, 2003: Water Horse
2014 Jan 31 to Feb 18, 2015: Wood Horse

Horses will enjoy being in the triangle of harmony with 2010s Tiger year. 2010 finds you in a very comfortable and prosperous position, but be discreet about your private life and selective in your social circles. It is a good year to vacation and take time for your physical, spiritual and mental health. A choice could be presented this year between your need for security and your need for independence. Never stop pursuing your dreams and ambitions, make time for the things you really love. Career matters look up and Horses finally find a good fit professionally speaking. This will be a time of recovery from the difficult past two years. You will be delightfully pleased in the activity level and adventures of 2012. An open optimistic period, filled with many social occasions and parties. Communications of all types, creative projects, mental pursuits, and exciting enterprises keeps you unaware of happily oblivious to petty problems. Horse year natives will feel more outgoing, gregarious and more like their cheerful selves again.

Best months: Feb, July, Aug. Oct. Challenging: Sept, Dec, Jan 2011.


1907 Feb 13 to Feb 1, 1908 : Fire Goat
1919 Feb 1 to Feb 19, 1920 : Earth Goat

1931 Feb 17 to Feb 5, 1932 : Metal Goat
1943 Feb 5 to Jan 24, 1944 : Water Goat

1955 Jan 24 to Feb 11, 1956 : Wood Goat
1967 Feb 9 to Jan 29, 1968 : Fire Goat

1979 Jan 28 to Feb 15, 1980 : Earth Goat
1991 Feb 15 to Feb 3, 1992 : Metal Goat

2003 Feb 1 to Jan 21, 2004: Water Goat
2015 Feb 19 to Feb 7, 2016: Wood Goat

Goats may find themselves staring in a comedy of errors this year, with everything from schedule mix-ups to mis-communications possible. Most sticky situations can be overcome by your wit and good humor. By the time the leisurely Goat wakes-up to face the world, the conventional workforce has almost completed their day. When 2010’s full speed ahead Tiger year crashes into the apathy of the laid-back Goat, the results can be inharmonious to say the least. You could feel harried, hurried and hotheaded this year, frustrated that careful planning comes too late and cannot give you the edge. Journaling, writing poetry or putting pen to paper in any way will sooth your frazzled nerves. If you could focus all of that creative Goat energy, you could produce some memorable work this year. Harmony, beauty and balance are necessary for your mental and physical health. Social-loving Goats will have many opportunities to attend parties, get-togethers and other functions, but too many options may find you unable to choose. You will find yourself the center of attention and attraction this year. Single Goats could become married or engaged this year!

Best months: March, June, July, Nov. Challenging: Jan 2010, Oct, Dec.


1908 Feb 2 to Jan 21, 1909: Earth Monkey
1920 Feb 20 to Feb 7, 1921 : Metal Monkey

1932 Feb 6 to Jan 25, 1933: Water Monkey
1944 Jan 25 to Feb 12, 1945 : Wood Monkey

1956 Feb 12 to Jan 30, 1957: Fire Monkey
1968 Jan 30 to Feb 16, 1969 : Earth Monkey

1980 Feb 16 to Feb 4, 1981: Metal Monkey
1992 Feb 4 to Jan 22, 1993 : Water Monkey

2004 Jan 22 to Feb 8, 2005: Wood Monkey
2016 Feb 8 to Jan 27, 2017: Fire Monkey

2010 ‘s Metal Tiger year is opposing and clashes with the sign of the Monkey bringing some obstacles and possible downturns. You may find yourself doing quite a bit of traveling this year and don’t be surprised if you re asked to relocate. This would prove beneficial in the long run. 2010 is a good time for you to take time to assess your physical, spiritual and mental health. Don’t let your emotions interfere with your rational judgment. Learn how to stay on a budget and watch your assets grow!. Never stop pursuing your dreams and ambitions, but keep everything status quo in 2010 and be especially cautious when driving. Wait for a more auspicious climate for any risky investments and be particularly cautious about anything that could cause problems with the law. Communications of all types, mental pursuits, and imaginative enterprises are the best avenues for your energies this year. Enjoy lovemaking with a sensual Snake, an intellectual conversation with an eclectic Rat or ruminate on the cosmos with an otherworldly Dragon.

Best months: April, May, Dec. Challenging: Feb, Mar, June, Nov.


1909 Jan 22 to Feb 9, 1910 : Earth Rooster
1921 Feb 8 to Jan 27, 1922 : Metal Rooster

1933 Jan 26 to Feb 13, 1934 : Water Rooster
1945 Feb 13 to Feb 1, 1946 : Wood Rooster

1957 Jan 31 to Feb 17, 1958 : Fire Rooster
1969 Feb 17 to Feb 5, 1970 : Earth Rooster

1981 Feb 5 to Jan 24, 1982 : Metal Rooster
1993 Jan 23 to Feb 9, 1994 : Water Rooster

2005 Feb 9 to Jan 28, 2006: Wood Rooster
2017 Jan 28 to Feb 15, 2018: Fire Rooster

2010 should be quite a prosperous and fortunate year for Roosters. Now is an ideal time to get married or to start or enlarge your family. There is no limit to what you can achieve this year if you stay on a steady course. This year is the right time to make investments of all types – both financial and relationship wise. Use your talent for managing money for yourself and others this year. Build a cozy nest with a home loving Ox, make love under the stars with a sage Snake or say “I do” with your soulmate, the powerful Dragon. Despite your all around good fortune, do be cautious of being pushed into physical exhaustion by other people’s schedules. Simplify if necessary, but by all means know where to set your boundaries. Good fortune, potential wealth and improvement in your social status is just around the corner. Enjoy!

Best months: April, May, Dec, Jan 2011. Challenging: March, June, Oct.


1910 Feb 10 to Jan 29, 1911 : Metal Dog
1922 Jan 28 to Feb 15, 1923 : Water Dog

1934 Feb 14 to Feb 3, 1935 : Wood Dog
1946 Feb 2 to Jan 21, 1947 : Fire Dog

1958 Feb 18 to Feb 7, 1959 : Earth Dog
1970 Feb 6 to Jan 26, 1971 : Metal Dog

1982 Jan 25 to Feb 12, 1983 : Water Dog
1994 Feb 10 to Jan 30, 1995 : Wood Dog

2006 Jan 29 to Feb 3, 2007: Fire Dog
2018 Feb 16 to Feb 4, 2019: Earth Dog

The Dog and the Tiger
are in a harmonious Trine relationship with each other and 2010 brings financial recovery for pessimistic Dogs. While there are no short cuts to any accomplishment this year, it should prove to be much better than the past 2 years have been. This is a good year to pay more attention to your physical and spiritual health. Take time to attend that healing seminar or soul retreat you have been thinking about. Be particularly cautious of injuries from sports or athletic activities during January, April and October. Work quietly behind the scenes, directing others with your encouragement and fresh ideas. Love is also in the air for you! Say “Yes” to a romantic getaway with a street-wise Rabbit, a hot blooded Tiger or a politically savvy Horse and you’ll be in fine spirits! Be realistic in your planning and avoid wishful thinking for best results. A new, open-minded and optimistic year for you! Seize the opportunity.

Best months: Feb, June, Aug, Oct, and Nov. Challenging: Apr, July, and Sept.


1911 Jan 30 to Feb 17, 1912 : Metal Pig
1923 Feb 16 to Feb 4, 1924 : Water Pig

1935 Feb 4 to Jan 23, 1936 : Wood Pig
1947 Jan 22 to Feb 9, 1948 : Fire Pig

1959 Feb 8 to Jan 27, 1960 : Earth Pig
1971 Jan 27 to Jan 15, 1972 : Metal Pig

1983 Feb 13 to Feb 1, 1984 : Water Pig
1995 Jan 31 to Feb 18, 1996 : Wood Pig

2007 Feb 18 to Feb 6, 2008: Fire Pig
2019 Feb 5 to Jan 24, 2020: Earth Pig

Being in a karmic “soulmate” connection with the Tiger year of 2010, a harmonious and successful year awaits Pigs! Easygoing, peaceful and trusting, there may well be a promotion (or two) in store for you this year! Your popularity grows and you could ace any exam or even win an election now. Hardworking, but also very fond of pleasure, sensual Pigs must be careful in matters with the opposite sex. In 2010you may have many opportunities for love affairs, scandals and emotionally charged scenes. Single Pig year natives find a ray of romantic hope and may experience a new level of enthusiasm and self-confidence. Happier times are ahead for you! Be caution in May and August not to become involved in any legal disputes or allow someone to pull you into their legal matters. Vivid dreams and powerful emotions could take your tranquil soul by surprise.

Best months: Feb, Mar, April, July Challenging: May, August, Nov.

Wishing you the 5 traditional Chinese blessings of Vital Health, Love of Virtue, Prosperity, Longevity and a Natural Ending.

by Shelly Wu

Well Have a Hapy Year of the Tiger and Happy Valentine's Day to All,

May you All find Love in your LIfe and your Hearts!

Bill Swann D.O.

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