Monday, October 26, 2009

Kung Fu Sifu

So, 35 years ago, ??the 24th or 25 th of October ,1975, I was given the

Rank of Sifu of "Wu Chi Tao Ch'uan" it's, 1st & last Master Instructor .

I remember, my seriousness,devotion and intent. A few years earlier,

I'd visted a Psychic,who later became famous, asking

"When would I become a Gung Fu Master?" He develped a wild and long story

of my Past Lives, my present(which was on the mark),my Future/

Predicting,my future wife, several deaths, and Stating,

"my Finalteacher would be ,Ridiculously Ugly!,

but would have a Mind like a Diamond"

All I wnated to Know, and Kept Repeating,Was,

"When Was I Going to be a " Gung Fu Master"!!

Well, I am Riduculous, and a bit Ugly,

but my Mind is far from being a diamond. Myteacher is still Waiting"

I stated in my journal the night I became "Sifu" that I would be a

"Warrior and a Healer", I have been a War with myself for decades,

and ,yes, I am a "Healer" ,It has been a Journey, one ,I have Treasured.

My Kung Fu Brothers and Sisters, My Tai Ji and Kung Fu Instructors,

have All , been Patient, Skillfull,Lovely Persons, and Many.

My Best teachers,were my Students,and my Patients.I am their Student.

As an ER doc,former, Army Doc, Osteopath and Internist,

and now the Warrior in Transition Unit PCM, my patients,have taught

me how to Live, Suffer, and Move On ,with Grace,Strenth,Balance & Dignity.

So,I guess, after 35 years,Grey,Fat,but Fit,and though my Forms,

are more on the "Inside"than "Out",

I am finally a Sifu, and can Begin , All Over, Again,

\My Journey,of Kung Fu

Bill Swann D.O.

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